Byungju Lee


Fountain, 2016


"Fountain" is an appropriation of Marcel Duchamp's ‘Fountain’ with alternative holographic display.

This work was one of the selected works of the 17th WRO Media Art Biennale.

Portrait, 2016


"Portrait" is kinetic holograms, which consist of four different holographic films of one single object which are projected from four different perspectives.


Growth, 2015


“Growth” is a kinetic sculpture which consists of profile shapes from childhood to now. Also it creates a connection between light and shadow.

This work is inspired by ‘Dialog’ by Kumi Yamashita.


Colors, 2015


“Colors” is a light installation that captures viewers' movements in real time and reflects lights on the entire exhibition space according to their movements.


A Portrait of a Pillow as a Dream, 2014


“A Portrait of a Pillow as a Dream” is a projection mapping, which projects series of sleeping images on a pillow.

Copyright © Byungju Lee 2020.